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Guest Blog Sharon Wagner( How to Be the Best Version of Yourself in Retirement

Congratulations on making it through your working years to the enjoyable stage of life called retirement! Now is the perfect time to take special care of your mental and physical health so you can be the best version of yourself in these golden years.

Learn Something New

To help your mind stay sharp, you can commit to regularly learning something new. Perhaps pick up a hobby you've always wanted to try, like painting, cooking, or organic gardening. Buy a musical instrument and take lessons to learn how to play it. These activities stimulate your brain, give you a sense of purpose and get you out socializing with others.

Get Moving Daily

There's so much to see and do in your retirement years, so make it a daily goal to move more and sit less. Research shows adults 65 years and older need 150 minutes a week of heart-pumping activity like swimming, tennis, brisk walking, or dancing. To prevent mental boredom as you work out, invest in earphones to listen to energizing music or an interesting podcast.

Eat Nutritious Foods

If you are used to eating processed foods high in salt, fat, and sugar, you will be surprised how much better your body will feel when you switch to nutritious foods instead. Your energy levels increase, your skin takes on a new glow and those extra pounds start to come off. Aim to fill your plate with food found in nature, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. Add lean proteins and low-fat dairy products as well.

Socialize Often

Your social circle is smaller now that you are no longer working. Yet, staying connected with others boosts your mood, reduces stress, and protects you from depression due to isolation. Spending time with treasured friends and family members is vital in your golden years.

Address Sleep Issues

Getting seven to nine hours of sleep allows your body and mind to unwind and recharge from the day's activities. However, sleeping can be difficult as you get older. Talk to your doctor for help identifying what the issue is if you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night. Together, you can come up with a plan to get the shut-eye you need.

Following these tips helps you proactively take control of your mental and physical health and allows you to be the best version of yourself in retirement.


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