Maureen Sullivan
Registered Nurse, educator, public speaker, humorist, and author

The Health and Humor Show
The May 8th 2022 show is the last Health and Humor show, at least for the foreseeable future. After 10 years and close to 500 episodes, our circumstances and responsibilities have changed and with several new projects in the works we find that we no longer have the time to devote to presenting a good quality podcast on a weekly basis.
We want to thank all our loyal listeners over the years, as well as our long-time sponsors and collaborators including UK Health Radio, Capra Garrison at PedagogyEducation.com, Gene Pierro at HamiltonRadio.net, Donna Cavanaugh at HumorOutcasts.com, Good Music Africa, Shake Down Radio, and the many platforms that have carried our podcast to all corners of the world. We would also like to thank the many people that we have interviewed over the years, all of whom have contributed to our knowledge as well as to the knowledge of our listeners. We wish you all well and hope that you all continue to enjoy good health and happiness!
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