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Diabetes: Diabetes Awareness Month, the Holidays, and more ( the year end review)

November is designated national diabetes awareness month. During this month, communities across our country focus on informing and educating everyone on this health care epidemic.

In 2020, the focus is on taking care of youth who have diabetes. Diabetes is currently one of the most common chronic conditions in school-age youth in the United States, affecting about 193,000 youth under 20 years old. School age youth who have diabetes need support with their diabetes care. That’s why it’s important to help your child or teen develop a plan to manage diabetes, and work with their health care team to adjust the diabetes self-care plan as needed.

In addition to national efforts, The International Diabetes Federation is an organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories. They are raising awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the entire family; thus, promoting the role of the family in every aspect of diabetes management (care, prevention, and education).

Hard to believe that the holiday season is right around the corner, bringing its own share of challenges. The combination of cooking, cleaning, shopping and party planning, in addition to one’s own daily work and family obligations, can interfere with the ability to maintain good health practices. Here’s a quick overview to keep you healthy and happy this holiday season and beyond.

The cold and flu season is usually between October and the following February. The flu vaccine significantly lowers the risk of getting the influenza virus. Left untreated, this virus can seriously affect the health of a person with diabetes. Be sure and discuss vaccine options with your health care provider.

The holidays are abundant with both food and drink! Persons with diabetes can enjoy the variety of seasonal items, with preplanning and abit stricter monitoring. By limiting portion sizes, avoiding overeating, and consciously choosing healthier food options, the holidays will be more enjoyable for everyone. Take time now to gather up new recipe ideas, plan menus for meals you are hosting, and consider what healthy option foods you can bring for those party invitations. Accept the fact that your blood sugar may need to be monitored closer during the holidays- think stress, possible unintended weight gain, changes in sleep patterns, and those surprise party gatherings. Acknowledge out loud that you cannot control all factors this season. Step back, take a deep breath, and focus on the positive. You’ll be glad you did.

Blessings this holiday season!



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