Welcome, 2024: healthier lifestyles
As 2024 quick approaches, take a moment and consider those new years resolutions and promises to make your life less stressful. While the majority of us focus on the tried and true resolutions- lose weight, be more active, and eat healthy- the importance of intentional behaviors and ongoing discipline are paramount. While we all start out highly motivated, our focus can easily get sidetracked as the year unfolds.
Take a moment now and really dedicate some time and energy into identifying what things are MOST important to you ( and your family). Trim the long list of resolutions down to a few "top priorities". You will find yourself more moticated when your daily "tasks" are limited ( rather than a long, almost impossible list of goals).
Make realistic goals as well. If youre interested in losing weight, aim for slow and steady weight loss rather than gimmicks that promise, " lose 20 pounds overnight". Review your daily food and activity levels and adjust accordingly. Seek guidance from your healthcare professional. Track your calorie intake, take weekly measurements, and keep the focus on healthier behaviors, rather than dramatic weight loss.
Ready to get more active in 2024? Start slow, and keep it basic if youre not currrently exercising on a regular basis. Seek out guidance at your local gym or fitness center, and experiment on different types of activity. One size does not fit all when it comes to physical activity choices. Find an activity you enjoy, and youll be more likely to keep progressing with your exerccise regimen. Include family and friends as well, for further support and encouragement.
Interested in a calmer 2024? Youre not alone! Take time to clean, declutter and organize your homefront. Develop routine cleaning schedules and spend some time daily to address surface areas/take out the garbage/ put away the dishes . Every little action leads to a calmer homefront. A cleaner home positively influences air quaility and may even lower the risk of those pesky winter colds and flu symptoms. Overall, a clean homefront is a simple way to lower stress levels for the entire family. Win, win!
The new year 2024 offers many opportunities to improve our health and well-being. Any effort to tackle unhealthy behaviors will have major benefits, moving forward. We all deserve a year ahead of good health and abundant happiness.